Rental Unit Winter Maintenance
Winter Rental Maintenance
- Don't Forget to Shovel In the winter you are responsible for shoveling and maintaining your sidewalk. Those that don't may receive a citation from their municipalities. Don't forget to use salt!
- Prevent Pipe Bursts As the temperature starts to dip below 25, turn on the water faucets, both hot and cold. The amount of water coming from the faucet should be a small stream. This is especially important to remember when you're going out of town. If your pipes burst while you're away you'll come home to a flooded unit!
- Adjust The Thermostat Keep your thermostat set lower in the winter, as low as 65 degrees, and even lower at night and when no one is home. Do not turn off your heat when you are away, as this could lead to you having frozen pipes and a flooded unit.